Wednesday, April 29, 2015

“Believing In What I Cannot See”
            I have never seen them, but I know they are there.  Many times when I thought, “how could I have survived this experience,” or “how did I make it through this hardship”, I stop and remember that they must have been working overtime.  What would you say to someone who has almost gone completely from this world only to come back and tell the story about it?  Would you believe their tale, and would you believe that a guardian angel was watching over them?  I certainly would!  My many experiences in life threatening situations have led me to believe that I have a guardian angel that constantly watches over me and keeps me safe from harm.  I have never seen my angel, but I know in my heart that there are watchful eyes, tender loving eyes that are always upon me.
            We hear of many tragic stories of children who are abducted by wicked criminals every day, who abuse and viciously kill them.  I almost became one of those statistics when I was a very young child.  When I was around 4 years old, I was almost kidnapped by a total stranger in the grocery store.    I was sitting in the front of the grocery cart as my mom was checking out, and a strange man began to wheel the grocery cart out of the store as my mom was turned around to pay the cashier.  We were close to the door and he made it out of the door.  At that precise moment my mom turned her head around and saw what was happening.  She ran after us, and the man got scared and left.  We later found out through video tapes that captured what had happened that this man was a well-known sex offender who was on probation for sexually assaulting a young child. 
In a split second, my life could have changed forever.  If angels could be seen, I am sure mine would have been smiling on the video tape capturing this incident in the store.  I believe with all my hear that it is my guardian angel who tapped my mom on the shoulder to have her turn around right at the moment when I was exiting the store with this dangerous criminal. 
            My strength and will power are sometimes weakened by hardships, and I sometimes question my existence in this world.  However, gentle reminders come my way to reaffirm my belief that I have a guardian angel that helps me get through these hardships.    No time has this become clearer to me than 2 years ago on a cold November night when my mom was out of town at a conference and I was home with a family friend who keeping me company until she came back.  Most of the memories of what happened came back to me a few days later; memories that continue to linger in my mind as a sweet reminder of the overtime hours my guardian angel must have been putting in that night!  
Around 10:00 at night, I began my regular routine of getting ready for bed.  This included taking my long acting Lantus insulin dose of 30 units, as I have been a Type I diabetic since the age of 5.  I reached into the refrigerator where it is kept and took it as usual.  What I didn’t realize at the time was that I reached for the wrong vial and took 30 units of the short acting, meal-time insulin.  This proved to be a potentially deadly situation if not corrected right away with very large quantities of glucose.  Well, of course I didn’t think anything of it, and went directly to bed – and almost never woke up. 
My mom came home the next morning and found me in a diabetic coma.  She recalls to me how cold and lifeless I looked, and how the meter would not even give her a sugar reading and just read “low”, which mean it was below “25”.  A normal sugar reading for a diabetic is 120.  She immediately gave me a glucagon shot, as she dialed 911.  I have no memory of their attempt to get me to come back from my coma, but my mom describes it as one of the most frightening things she has ever gone through.  My sugar was so low for so long, that my blood vessels were too dehydrated to give me an IV, and they had to do it through the bone in my leg.  The paramedics later told my mom that it was a miracle that they got me to wake up, and that it would be a bigger miracle if I didn’t suffer any brain damage. 
 I remember when I woke up I was scared and confused at what was happening around me.  My mom was crying and my grandparents were hysterically upset.  However, as the paramedics were taking me to the hospital, with needles in my arms and strangers all around me poking at my body, I remember having a sense of peace and serenity that everything was going to be ok, and that someone was holding my hand comforting me.  I couldn’t see that person, and didn’t know who they were, but I am sure, now, that the feeling of safety and security came from my guardian angel who helped me wake up from my coma, and continued to watch over me to make sure I had no long term brain damage. 
I can keep reminiscing of many events  in my life – from near tragic accidents, to almost drowning, to jumping out of an airplane – and the simple fact remains that I strongly believe that I have a guardian angel that keeps watch over me to make sure that I am safe.  I have not seen this angel, nor do I have scientific proof that it exists.  But I believe in what I cannot see because I have lived the experiences that make me know that my guardian angel is real.
One day, my family and I decided to take a drive downtown.  We decided to go to a new restaurant because we heard there was this amazing dish called couscous…it was so good they named it twice!  We weren’t sure how to get there because one of my funny, buffon friends who always likes to take detours, thought we could go via bypass, taking the easy way out.  His directions were very vague because they did not mean a whole lot, as he wrote them using symbols instead of words!  We passed a wonky road, twisted on one side, and my lethargic mom, deficient in alertness, missed the turn we were supposed to make to get to the restaurant.  My mom, who is usually my hero because of her personal character that displays courage and self-sacrifice, began to panic and lose all strength, no longer having the quality of being strong.  We kept driving around and around looking for this restaurant, and it took so long, my sister and I were consumed by boredom, that horrible emotional state that happens when you are left without anything to do! We decided to ask someone for directions but he seemed to have a lack of knowledge about lack of information, totally ignorant.  Then we ran into someone else who was a total yammering, a person that goes on and on, and boy did she ever do that!  She gave us directions but sounded a little ballistic, going on a massive tantrum about something.  I’m not sure what she was going on about, but my mom said she was talking about this weird rebellion, where an uprising or insurrection where there was a refusal of obedience or order, with many behaviors aimed at destroying something or someone. We were honestly very scared and hoped that a total revolution would not be something that comes after someone rebels.  One act of knowledge, or learn, was to never talk to that lady again, because she certainly made me use one word to describe myself in a joking way…deranged!  We decided to calm our nerves by turning on an expression conventionally and in the auditory medium, or music.  A very odd song came on where the singer kept repeating the word catawampus, which is apparently a synonym for askew.  To me, that word sounded like a todopo, a new word that is put together by two other words.   We drove for a while longer searching for this new restaurant, when we took a deep fall or plunged into a state of total peaceful and refreshing thinking, a state of green.  My mom yelled, awesome, as she was in total awe of something.  She was referring to a park where a family was experiencing the true meaning of air, freshness nature camping with family. She decided that would be a better idea than finding that restaurant, so we jumped out of the car and went to the park, where we were arithmetic, infinity unrestrained with joy, happiness and began to experience sleep, transcending into a feeling of utopia when you find a com
One day next to me, sat a very vertically gifted man that did not seem to possess one funny bone in his body, with a pretty serious case of craters all over his face. He seemed to be concentrating on something and appeared very nervous.  His face seemed kind and compassionate, although slightly detached. His body appeared to be covered in permanent black ink. He possessed tiny yellow hair on his head and skimpy dark hair on his arms. He could not see objects far away as indicated by his glasses, which also made him seem smart. The lines on his forehead indicated he showed signs of age, although a few scattered brown dots on his face gave him a more youthful appearance. I originally thought his head contained tiny yellow hair until he took off his hat and a lengthy yellow braid appeared with a strange bald man hair do. Above his eye lived a giant dark skin tag. His nasal cavity was larger than life itself, and right below that laid a coat hanger shaped lump of hair. On the sides of his face appeared to be patches of hair similar to the ones made famous by Elvis Presley. Although he seemed 
            One day next to me, sat a very serious, tall man, with a pretty serious case of acne. He seemed to be really focused and extremely anxious.  His face seemed empathetic and caring, although slightly aloof. His body appeared to be covered in tattoos. He possessed short blond hair on his head and think short hair on his arms. He appeared nearsighted, as indicated by his glasses, which also made him seem intelligent. The wrinkles on his forehead indicated he looked in his 50s, although a few scattered light brown freckles on his face gave him a more youthful look. I originally thought his head contained short blond hair until he took off his hat and a long blond pony tail appeared with a strange comb over. Above his eye lived a brown mole. His nose was larger than life itself, and right below that laid handle bar mustache. On the sides of his face appeared very long Elvis Presley side burns. Although he seemed to be the kind of man who kept to himself, he smiled at me with a very warm and sympathetic face. Speaking of his smile, he revealed two shiny gold teeth. I can honestly say without a 
        Sitting next to me was a very serious, tall man, with a pretty serious case of acne. He seemed really focused and extremely anxious. He had an empathetic and caring face although he seemed slightly aloof. He had tattoos all over his body, with blonde short hair on his head and thin short black hair on his arms. He appeared to be nearsighted as indicated by his glasses which also made him seem intellectual. The wrinkles on his forehead indicated he was probably in his 50s, although a few scattered light brown freckles gave him a more youthful look.  I had thought he had short blonde hair until he took off his hat and a long blonde ponytail appeared along with a strange comb over. He had a big brown mole with hair right under his left eye. Right below his nose he had a handlebar moustache. On the side of his face he had very long Elvis Presley sideburns.  \When he smiled at me he reveled two shiny gold teeth. Speaking of his smile, he had a warm and sympathetic smile that you wouldn’t expect from looking at such a strange man.

Volunteering is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. I just think that if you can make a difference in one child’s life you change the world a little. I remember one time I was helping this little boy with his homework and I asked him if he was learning anything by me helping him and he said “of course miss natalie you’re a genious” It was them im that moment when I realized I want to work with children as a career. There is nothing more rewarding then having a child look up to you and admire you. I had went  back to that boys and girls club for several months to follow and everyday I would make a little childs day better by playing with them or helping them with there homework.
 Then one day I went there and the women in charge had made a new rule that volunteers would have to keep there interactions with the children at a minimum. I thought to mself that is absoulutley ridiculous. What is the point of volunteering with children if you cannot interact with htem that muc. So I went up to this women and asked her why such a rule had been created. She proceeded to tell me that she did not want the volunteers to  get to close with the children so that when we stop coming or cant come anymore the children don’t get upset or have the feeling that someone else in there life was being taken away from them,. I understood to some extent after all these were underprivellged children whose parentsd didn’t rreally care for them and had a rough home life. Yet it still bothered me remendously. So I made the rash descsion to stop going and when I told the director she said once you leave you cannot come back, I said I understand and I am sorry.

Children are our greatest resources. Theey are so sweet and innocent and full of life. Children are also the best judge of character they are un bias and so innocent minded. The ability to connect with children is a gift. To get them to be able to open up to you and trust you is not something everyperson has. I love the faxct that I am so good with kids I feel like that will get me ahead in the field I wanrt to go intoIt doe smy heart good to know tjhya ther are kiids in the world that iam able to help. One thing I don’t like about working with kids is when I hear of cases of abuse. It absoulutley breaks my heart when I hear about a parent hitting there child or verbally abusing the,.